Monday, August 27, 2012

Freedom Of Fashion ....Embrace It!

I love fashion!  My entire life has centered around fashion for as far back as I can remember.  The excitement of the back to school issue of #Seventeen #Magazine, being able go page by page and dream about which pair of shoes I would get because I could only afford one.  The anticipation of putting different pieces of clothing together to create unique looks, because I didn't have enough money for the outfits in the magazines.   All of that so very much a part of who I was as a young girl and who I became as  woman.  Being able to put on clothing that can totally transcribe your mood and reveal a part of your inner being,  how cool is that?  How many people in the world get to wear clothing to express themselves?  And to have that freedom taken away?

After breast cancer and my botched reconstructive surgery,  this was no longer a luxury in my life.  I could no longer feel a mood and extend it into my wardrobe.  My fun clothing, so much of who I was sitting in my closet unused because I couldn't fit into any of it.  I didn't know reconstruction could have unfavorable results.  How could I?  I never had cancer before.   Fast forward a meeting with Dr. Tamir Mosharrafa, Mosharrafa Plastic Surgery (Phoenix) and many surgeries later I am happy to say I am once again enjoying all the clothing in my closet.  I am on my way scars and all to wearing anything I feel like whenever I feel like it!  What a luxury and a freedom I am so grateful to once again have.

What I look forward to now? Bringing many topics related to breast reconstruction to the table!Enjoying my life with my children,  running CashCloset Inc. Oh and taking the sexiest picture of myself,  (scars included) for the company Rock Scar Love and posting it online.  Freedom of fashion,  a very important part of all women,  embrace it!