Saturday, August 18, 2012

What Does Your Wardrobe Say About Your Personality?

How does your wardrobe define your personality?  If I walked in your closet right now, and I never met you what would I think?  Believe it or not your wardrobe says volumes about who you are?  It tends to be a very personal space filled with love and hate...and lots of things we just can't seem to throw out.  Funny how sometimes you can walk out of your closet with the most kick butt outfit and feel so cool and other times you walk out and feel like a total loser!  I encourage everyone out there male and female alike to take time to really look in your closet today and remove the items that don't make you feel good!  You know which ones they are,  for whatever reason you can't seem to part with them!  Maybe you spent tons of money on the item or it was a gift from someone you love whatever, doesn't matter get rid of it!  I have a client that leaves the house when I clean out her closet because it is so difficult for her to part with the items...if this is you there are people out there that can help you!  I get it trust me, it took cancer for me to clean out my closet.  I want to teach people that they can  walk out of their closet and feel good every time!! Oh and the best part you can sell or donate what you are done with...and that makes the world a nicer place!